Emergency Advice For The Unprepared Teacher


If you have 30 minutes until a lesson, and you have not prepared, put everything aside and read this post. Here are a few ideas you can implement instantly.

Speak From The Heart

Take a minute and do this mental exercise. Pretend you are out to lunch with a friend, and they ask how you feel about _________ (insert the topic for the lesson). What would you say to them? Are there any scriptures that have influenced you regarding the topic? Any personal experiences that have shaped your beliefs? This should give you some substance for the bulk of the lesson.

Another mental exercise: What gospel principle do you hold dearest? Is it the beauty of the plan of salvation? Maybe it’s the peace of the repentance process? Next, find a connection between this principle and the lesson. I’m confident that if you think for a minute, you will find a connection.

Start With Something You Are Passionate About

This is related to the first tip. Begin the lesson with some passion. What aspect of the lesson can you really get fired up about? Start with that, and pump some lifeblood into the classroom. It doesn’t need to be controversial, or some far out idea. It needs to be something that you could sell door to door if need be. And don’t think that a testimony is only for the end of the lesson. Starting with a sincere testimony can set the tone for the rest of the lesson.

Take a few minutes and plan out a solid introduction. Pretend the opening prayer for the class just ended, and you walk up to the front of the class. What are the first words out of your mouth? A story? A quote? A question? Picture delivering your introduction with some vigor. Picture yourself like Samuel the Lamanite on the wall. You have a message that you believe in, and are ready to deliver!

Know Your Audience

Take another few moments to think about your class. Are there any people that will most likely be there? What are they like? How will you be able to get them involved in the learning process? What time of day is the class? How tired/hungry is everyone going to be? What are your possible competitions for attention? Political events, sports, or the Batchelor season finale can all be competing for attention. You are going to have to give the class something to pay attention to. If you have been teaching this class for some time, think back on what has been successful in the past. Some wards love a good discussion, where some won’t talk unless there is a candy reward. Instead of going against the grain, work with what your class gives you. I’m not saying to resort to this every week, but if you are 10 minutes from game-time, you need to take what low hanging fruit you can.

If you are the kind of blog reader that didn’t do the above exercises when I told you to, but just read straight through, you should still have about 20 minutes to go. Do the exercises and then read on…. Really…

In Closing

Now that you have considered your personal feelings on the topic, have prepared a passionate introduction, and have considered what will work for those in your class, you should be prepared enough to give a passionate, testimony filled lesson. Now take the last 5 minutes and relax. Take some slow, deep breaths. Say a quick prayer of thanks for the blessings you have. The fact that you can read this post on an electronic device says something. Be in the moment, and go change the world for the better!